Order In The Woodshed


We gathered firewood from various places as we were renovating and just dumped it in the woodshed with a “we’ll deal with that later” attitude. Finally, I couldn’t handle it anymore and went to Bunnings to get the cheapest chainsaw I could find: a little Ozito electric chainsaw – the girliest chainsaw around :).


We kept the old redgum stumps that were holding up our house – god knows how our house was standing on these!


I started with the small stuff in the hope that my girly little chainsaw would get through a decent amount of wood before it went blunt.


Got through a fair bit of chopping before my little chainsaw blade was so blunt it was pretty much burning through the wood rather than cutting it. My relative gave us a blade sharpener and my partner did a good job sharpening. To get a new blade was $30 and the chainsaw itself was only $70 so didn’t seem worth it!


It was dirty, sweaty work!


Now for the rewarding part – stacking our beautiful bite-sized firewood up neatly.


All ready for next winter 🙂