Update on the Sickies 

After many posts in the past asking for advice on my sick plants I thought I’d update you on their progress. 

Magda last summer:

Magda now:

Middy last summer:

Middy now:

These two didn’t get burnt in the recent heat we had so hopefully their mature enough to survive this summer without damp cloths draped on them. 

Robyn Gordon last week:

Robyn Gordon today:


New growth! Still early days obviously! 

Maggie last year:

Maggie now:

Getting there! I hope there’s a happy news story to come out of our new lawn which is looking a little dead :?. I hind sight, laying it the day before a 35°c sunny day might not have been the best idea. I’ve been giving it a whole lot of love and water so fingers crossed! 

Note: the attractive fence is so Lloyd stays off the grass for a few weeks. 
Really bad patch near the path:

Everyone cross your fingers that water and love will bring it to life! 

Ruthless Haircut? 

Mum and Dad gave me this Robyn Gordon Grevillea and it’s pretty well looked sad since I planted it. It keeps getting a bit of greenery around the bottom but tends to die off again no matter how much love and water I give it. This latest greenery has lasted a bit longer so thought I’d keep trying to save it a bit longer. Question: should I chop the top off it and just leave the healthy green or just let it be? 

Farewell My Molly

So Molly (the grevillea) didn’t survive her grand move. Despite all the love and native plant mix and water and Reiki healing (done by Mum). I won’t post a photo of her, it’s too distressing.

In place of Molly, Mum and Dad bought us a Camellia named midnight. I chose her for her beauty, not her name. But have personalised her name to Middy. Hope she’ll be happy here!


I did consider getting another Molly, but I only transplanted original Molly to the front in an attempt to save her. I wouldn’t have chosen that spot for her otherwise. Plus I already have a peaches and cream grevillea in the front. Our front yard is a higgledy piggledy mix of everything so a Camellia fits in just fine. Maybe I’ll plant Molly in one of our new garden beds out the back (once we create them!). At least I know she will grow well out there and not freak out and die over our clay soil.

I’ll leave you with some visual Molly memories..





Thanks for the good times, Molza!

Moving Molly Part 2

So, Moving Molly (Part 1) showed a bloody great massive piece of concrete in our garden, right where I wanted to put Molly. FYI, for those of you who have never read my blog, Molly is a grevillea. I told Dad about this concrete, along with the blocked storm water pipe that runs next to it (which is a whole other story), and he got all excited about coming over to help. I was working 12 hour shifts on both Saturday and Sunday that weekend, so jokingly suggested that Dad take the day off work on Wednesday to come and help. Dad has about 10 years worth of sick leave saved up – he never takes time off work. But Wednesday just happened to be a day when a big, long meeting was most likely going to be cancelled, freeing up his schedule. So, you guessed it, the meeting was officially cancelled and he came around to help. His PA was rather concerned that the one time he decides to take the day off work is so he can hit things and asked if he was ok. FYI, he’s ok. It’s just fun hitting stuff 🙂

I WhatsApped him the night before asking if he would come over at some ridiculously early hour and whether I should set an alarm. Dad is a morning person to say the least. I am not. Dad replied with “Don’t worry. Late as ;)”. I should’ve taken the winky face more seriously because apparently we have different definitions of ‘ridiculously early’ and ‘late as’. Dad bounded in at 8am (thankfully bearing coffee!) with his brand new sledge hammer, saying, “Apparently Bunnings doesn’t open till 7am!” I, of course, was still in bed. 8am was actually pretty reasonable. It probably almost killed Dad to not get here earlier!

So, Dad got out his shiny new sledge hammer and started belting to crap out of the concrete. We had decided before this point that it wasn’t anything important like a sewer pipe and was most likely an old garden edge, so we (slash Dad) could beat the crap out of it without too much worry that poo would spurt out in our faces.

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We were a bit worried that it’d be full of reo, but it was actually fairly soft (but still concrete and therefore bloody hard). Dad did some serious damage with his sledge hammer. I just stood there taking videos of him with my phone. It’s kind of a one person job and I certainly didn’t want to get in the way! Then he got out his chisel and beat the crap out of the chisel until the concrete eventually broke through. It just kept going!

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This is where Dad got silly and started trying to lift the bloody thing out of the garden despite my constant protests. He bloody well did it though. He lifted it bit by bit while I shoved chocks under it and he freaked out that he would drop it on my hands and told me to get my hands out of the way and I told him to just not drop it. We got it to this height, then Dad channeled his superpowers and lifted it on its end, then rolled it out of the garden.

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We of course found more concrete to chisel and dig out in the process. We had to cut this carefully because this bit of concrete is actually part of an existing garden edge. But we got it. Note: when I say we I mean Dad.

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Superpowers channeled and all the concrete is out. All this so we could move Molly into the garden! But before this could happen, we exposed the storm water pipe and did some diagnostics as to why it was blocked. The conclusion: we needed a plumber. This exciting story to come….

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A few weeks on: the storm water pipe is fixed and Molly is planted. She looks taller because she was on a funny angle in her last place and now she’s standing straight and tall. Her roots weren’t as abundant as I hoped but we managed to move her without damaging too many. She’s had a long drink and has some native plant soil mixed in with our normal soil. Fingers crossed!!

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I worked up a sweat in the garden today, not just moving Molly, but other general garden stuff. Nothing like a long, hot shower whilst drinking a nice, cold, microbrewery beer to end a good day’s work! Ah.. 🙂

Moving Molly

As you may know, Molly the grevillea is in the path of construction for the new shed. I had always thought I’d have to say goodbye to her. She was enormous and I’d been under the impression that natives don’t relocate well. But my dad and my brother told me to give it a go. I gave Molly a pretty big haircut a couple of weeks ago. I thought I’d give her some time to recover from this before I plunged her into unfamiliar territory. She loved the haircut! She’s covered in new shoots.


So last weekend I went to dig a new hole for her, and of course, there’s a giant slab of concrete in the way. What’s with this house and buried concrete?!


The concrete runs right through the middle of the whole garden bed. No wonder the plants that were originally here were shallow rooted! I called dad for advice and he suggested that the concrete is probably an old garden edge and unlikely to be anything important and that I should get out the sledgehammer and smash a nice hole for Molly. We don’t have a sledgehammer, but we do have some guys coming to remove the concrete slab from our old shed so we’ll get them to jackhammer it up. I dug around the concrete some more – it’s pretty long. It’ll be good to get most of it out – we’re gonna want to plant more stuff here. Want to do it soon too before Molly’s new shoots get too big. Will let you know how it goes!

A Little Bud Here There And Everywhere


Captain Cook has gone mad with buds this year! I hope it’ll be strong enough to hold up all these heavy flowers when the time comes!

Other pretty flowers in our garden right now:


Love our swan river pea. Never lets us down.


Our neighbours gave us a clipping of their succulent. It’s doing pretty well now!


And of course Molly is still blessing us with a constant sea of flowers.