Mango Mini Popsicle


The strawberry popsicles I made earlier were delicious, but they took forever to eat. So I thought I’d make a baby, snack version. I just put the yoghurt mixture into an ice tray instead, and added a toothpick to each one. The mixture was thick enough to hold the toothpick in place. Easy 🙂


One small mango, cut up
Four tablespoons of natural yoghurt
Two tablespoons of apple juice

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Transfer to ice tray. Freeze for 4 hours.

I didn’t add chia seeds to these so they haven’t got that low GI goodness that chia seeds give but this way they’re nice and smooth 🙂

Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt Popsicle


Since we’re renovating our backyard it’s been a while since I’ve grown any food (other than herbs), thus it’s been a while since I posted any food related posts. I didn’t grow anything here but I did have a recent dream that I was growing strawberries so that sort of counts! Either way, this is a healthy and tasty little treat I thought I’d share.

1/3 punnet strawberries, chopped
3 tbs natural yoghurt
1/4 cup apple juice
2 tsp white chia seeds

Put all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into popsicle moulds. Freeze for 4 hours.

The strawberry and chia seeds give it a bit of texture which I quite like. Plus the chia will give you some of that long lasting energy 🙂