Fence Fail (Again) 

I had this great idea that if I wove thicker wire through the top of the existing fence Lloyd would no longer be able to crush down the chicken wire and jump into the vegie garden. Half way through the job, Lloyd casually jumped over the bit of fence that I’d fixed (left side of the photo) so he could check out what I was doing from another angle. Man that dog can jump! Now that I know he can jump it at its full, uncrushed height I guess I need a taller fence. It’s gonna be a pain in the bum to lean over anything much taller to tend to my vegies. And annoying cos I’ve got leeks ready to plant since I thought the fence would be a quick fix. As always, lucky he’s cute. 

My Helpful Boy

Woke up from my post night duty sleep to find that my baby boy has been doing the weeding for me! Whenever he’s alone outside his toys (bought and created by him, usually as a result of destroying something) always end up by the back door. I think he just sits there waiting between acts of destruction. It also makes it quite efficient when he wants to bring one of his special new “toys” inside. Love finding balls of roots and dirt on the lounge room carpet!